Work with us
The Discovery Programme collaborates with other organisations in all aspects of its work. We have worked with organisations around Ireland to develop events and exhibitions.
We are actively seeking new partners across the island of Ireland to develop public archaeology projects.
Local heritage groups
We work closely with local heritage groups on community heritage projects. We provided support to the Glendalough heritage Forum in the compilation and design of the booklet to accompany their graveyard trail.
We provide training and support to the Corca Dhuibhne 3D project who use photogrammetry to record carved stone and other monuments in their area.

We work with museums and heritage centres providing content for their exhibitions. Our 3D models are, for example, feature in the Brú na Boinne visitor centre, Co. Meath.
We work with museums and heritage centres to develop public outreach events, such as the Monastic Waterford event organised in conjunction with the Waterford Treasures Museum.

Heritage officers
We worked closely with Heritage Officers wherever we are carrying out our research. They provide fantastic support, helping us reach out to the public, local press and heritage organisations in their counties, as well as providing very important local information.
We organise events with the support of Heritage Officers particularly for National Heritage Week.

We are currently working with libraries in the CHERISH Project region to display and promote the CHERISH travelling exhibition. Keep an eye on our news and events page for details of where the exhibition is on display.
NGO’s and organisations with shared goals
We work with organisations in other sectors, who have shared goals. We organised a number of heritage walk and beach clean events with Clean Coasts as part of out outreach for the CHERISH Project.