Dr Lesley Davidson
Research Archaeologist – Data Scientist
Lesley is a research archaeologist on the CHERISH Project. Lesley’s main role on the project is digital data management. She is preparing and archiving the data generated for the Irish coastal sites for deposition with the Digital Repository of Ireland. In addition, Lesley will be updating the Sites and Monuments Record, and undertaking a variety of field surveys.
Lesley is a professional archaeologist with over a decade of experience in geomatics and illustration within archaeology. She has extensive experience in digitally mapping archaeological sites using survey grade equipment, remote sensing technology, and GIS software. She specialises in geospatial science, natural hazard impact assessment and the effects of climate change on cultural heritage landscapes. In 2022, Lesley completed her PhD in Geospatial Engineering and Archaeology from Newcastle University. Her research developed a spatiotemporal methodology for assessing impacts from natural hazards on cultural World Heritage. The methodology used advanced geospatial change detection and predictive modelling to quantify past and forecast future geomorphic change. The results of these analyses were then integrated with the known archaeological record to quantify and track impact through time.
You can find a full list of Lesley’s publications on ResearchGate