Martin Doody Memorial Lecture 2022 – Cult and Ritual Landscapes in Later European Prehistory: Navan Fort and Ireland’s ‘Royal Sites’
The Annual Martin Doody Memorial Lecture will take place online via Zoom Webinar on Wednesday, 14 December 2022, 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm.
Dr Patrick Gleeson, will present his talk on Cult and Ritual Landscapes in Later European Prehistory: Navan Fort and Ireland’s ‘Royal Sites’
Dr Patrick Gleeson, Senior Lecturer in the School of the Natural and Built Environment at the Queen’s University of Belfast, is a winner of the 2022 Philip Leverhulme Prize for his work on landscape archaeology of later prehistoric and medieval Europe, with the main research focus on royal landscapes, cult and religious transformation.
His lecture will draw on the wealth of data that has accumulated in recent decades on Ireland’s ‘royal sites’ that includes publication of legacy excavations and remote sensing surveys. It will also present some preliminary results of Dr Gleeson’s new work on Navan Fort including results of survey, archival analysis and excavation carried out since 2018 with Dr James O’Driscoll and the University of Aberdeen Comparative Kingship Project. The results of this research break new ground in our understanding of the Navan complex and its long term evolution. Dr Gleeson’s comparative studies of these sites and monumental complexes will further deepen our understanding of them as focal-points for cult activities, beliefs and ritual practices in Ireland in particular and of ‘royal sites’ in later European prehistory more generally.
There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions after the lecture.
A link to the zoom webinar will be emailed to attendees on the morning of the webinar.
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