Martin Doody Memorial Lecture 2021 – Materialising Power: The Black Pig’s Dyke and Linear Earthworks in Ireland – presented by Cóilín Ó Drisceoil
The Annual Martin Doody Memorial Lecture will take place online via Zoom Webinar on Thursday, 9 December 2021 .
Cóilín Ó Drisceoil will present the lecture on the topic of Materialising Power: The Black Pig’s Dyke and Linear Earthworks in Ireland. It will focus on his research, with Aidan Walsh, on the Black Pig’s Dyke. Earlier this year a Cóilín and Aidan published a new book entitled Materialising Power: The archaeology of the Black Pig’s Dyke, Co. Monaghan (published through Wordwell Books).
The Ballyhoura Hills Project, directed by the late Martin Doody ,for the Discovery Programme, included the Cliadh Dubh, a similar linear earthwork located in Co. Cork.
There will be an opportunity for attendees to ask questions after the lecture.
Book a place for the webinar on