Ferriter's Excavation, Co. Kerry and Killincooly Beg, Co. Wexford

Climate change and cultural heritage webinars. November 2021

The Climate Change and Cultural Heritage Webinars are scheduled to coincide with COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, that is taking place in Glasgow 31 October -12 November 2021. The webinars will take place online, on Thursday, 4 November and Thursday, 11 November during lunch time, from 1- 2.00 pm.

The aim of the seminars is to highlight the impacts of climate change that we can see on Irish underwater and terrestrial cultural heritage. The Discovery Programme is a project partner in the EU funded CHERISH Project which monitors and researches the impact of climate change and coastal cultural heritage. The two seminars will focus on this research.

4 November: Sandra Henry – CHERISH: Understanding climate impacts on Irish terrestrial and underwater cultural heritage assets

11 November : Rob Shaw – Identifying and measuring the impacts of climate change: The survey toolbox of the CHERISH project.

The events will take place via Zoom Webinar and you can register for a FREE place on  https://discoveryprogramme_climatechangeseminars2021.eventbrite.ie