Archaeologists excavating a site.

2021 Webinar Series on Research Framework for Archaeology in Ireland


A research framework for archaeology in Ireland: The Discovery Programme webinar series 2021

The Discovery Programme: Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland is committed to working with partners and engaging with the wider archaeological sector to identify research gaps and coherent themes for future research. Developing a research framework is a key recommendation of Archaeology 2025 and to promote discussion, The Discovery Programme organised a series of webinars in 2020 on different approaches to and applications of research frameworks.

We hope to continue the conversation with a second series of webinars in which colleagues working outside Ireland will share their experience of compiling and using research frameworks.
The webinars will take place online, on Thursday during lunch time, from 1- 2.30 pm. Each webinar will begin with a presentation and followed by a Q&A and discussion.

11 February: Developing a network of cross searchable and sustainable online research frameworks. Daniel Miles, Historic England.
25 February: ScARF and beyond : Future thinking on archaeological research frameworks. Dr Helen Spencer and Dr Simon Gilmour, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
4 March: Answers to questions: The National Archaeological Research Agenda of the Netherlands. Inge van der Jagt and Dr Bert Groenewoudt, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.
11 March: Research frameworks, public benefits and public value: some thoughts from England. Barney Sloane, Historic England.

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