New Cultural Heritage Data Programme funded by Creative Ireland
New Cultural Heritage Data Programme funded by Creative Ireland.
The Discovery Programme:Centre for Archaeology and Innovation Ireland in conjunction with the Heritage Council have received funding from the National Creativity Fund to establish Oscail a Cultural Heritage Data Programme for Ireland.This phase of the project will involve:
• Engagement with relevant agencies regarding their archaeological archives and the issues outlined above
• Work on the practicalities of managing such an archive as well as assessing a conservation and digitization programme through a pilot project
• Organize a seminar to which all relevant agencies will be invited
• Invite representatives of Logainm, Placenames Database of Ireland, Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS) in the Netherlands and Archaeological Data Service (ADS) in the UK to address the seminar
• Produce a report on the findings of the pilot project and suggestions towards the next steps in formulating OSCAIL
The National Creativity Fund enables the Creative Ireland Programme to activate, enable and support genuinely ground-breaking and innovative initiatives, research projects and community programmes, which have creativity and wellbeing at their centre. Creative Ireland is an all of Government five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy. It is built around five pillars: Enabling the Creative Potential of Every Child; Enabling Creativity in Every Community; Investing in our Creative and Cultural Infrastructure; Ireland as a Centre of Excellence in Media Production; Unifying our Global Reputation. This project fits well into the third pillar; Investing in our creative and cultural infrastructure.