Discovery Programme Reports: No. 8 – Late Iron Age and ‘Roman’ Ireland
This book details the findings of the pilot phase of the Discovery Programme’s Late Iron Age and ‘Roman’ Ireland (LIARI) Project. There are eight chapters (listed below). This report forms number eight in the Discovery Programme Report series, the most recent of which was produced in 2005. It is an academic work, but one that will be of interest to a relatively large audience.
Chapter 1. The LIARI project pilot: aims, methodology and collaborative research
Chapter 2. Romans and Roman material in the Later Irish Iron Age – a wider social perspective
Chapter 3. Geophysical investigations at Drumanagh and Loughshinny, north County Dublin
Chapter 4. Investigations on Lambay Island, Co. Dublin
Chapter 5. Landscape use and environmental change: a multi-proxy study at Lough Lugh, Uisneach, Co. Westmeath
Chapter 6. Investigating mobility and migration in the Later Iron Age
Chapter 7. Landscape and settlement in Late Iron Age Ireland: some emerging trends
Chapter 8. Findings and priorities for future research
(Dublin, Discovery Programme 2014), 300 ++